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Above ground pools are typically the least expensive types you can purchase. They are the summertime answer for those who don't want to make the larger commitment of an inground pool. If you're ready for a ton of backyard fun, but aren't quite ready for a permanent structure in your yard, then an above ground pool may be the way to go.

Points to Ponder:


Inexpensive - Above grounds are great for those looking for a relatively inexpensive way to provide years of backyard family entertainment.


Moveable - If you move, you can take your pool with you, give it to a friend, or even sell it. Or you can leave it as a benefit for the next owner of your home.


Fast Installation - Grab a couple of handy neighbors and you can be hosting a pool party in just a couple of days.


Choices - You can choose from aluminum, resin, or steel sidings. All three types have various benefits, ranging from rust-resistance to average lifespan. Your local dealer can help you weigh the pros and cons of each type.


Variety - Above grounds come in several sizes and shapes, and a variety of decorative wall patterns and decking options.


Good for Small Lots - If getting a back-hoe into your wart would be next to impossible, an above ground can generally be carried in a kit to your yard and set up.

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